Thursday, January 31, 2013


Licensure area: grades 4-8
Lesson plan objective: Each student will demonstrate knowledge of latitude and longitude. Students will be able to locate and draw coordinates for given lat and longs on a map. 
Informal Assessments: 
   1. After discussing the definition of latitude and longitude, the students will be able to recite the definition of each to a partner.
   2. Students will come to the board and point to a given coordinate on a map
   3. I will have latitude and longitude lines on the floor with tape and have each student walk to a coordinate. 
   4. I will give each student an orange and have them draw lines of latitude and longitude with a sharpie. 
Formal Assessments: 
   1. I will give daily quizzes over information covered. 
   2. Chapter tests on latitude and longitude. 
   3. Essay question responding to when they may need to know or use this skill. 
   4. A vocabulary map related to the terms.

Norm-referenced assessment vs criterion-referenced assessment:
   These two types of assessment are very different, yet, they share both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, one advantage of norm-referenced assessment is that when content knowledge is compared with all others around the country, those weaker performing schools will know what content areas they need to improve. Schools want their students to know specific knowledge, so they may focus more on these areas in order to improve their students' academic skills. An advantage to criterion-referenced assessment is that the teachers will be able to identify which students are struggling and also what they know. This could help them gauge what they still need to cover or stress further. I was having a hard time coming up with specific disadvantages for each, but in general, both type of assessments focus on comparing students. This CAN be a good thing, but I believe it is important to know each student individually in regards to their academic levels. Each student learns and tests differently, so it is hard to say who we should compare to. 


  1. It is very difficult to say who we should compare our students to. Most of the norm-referenced tests are "normed" based on a group of students that may or may not be similar to our students. This is one of the weaknesses of norm-referenced tests.

  2. Shelby,

    From teacher to teacher I wanted to say thank you for being so organized and on your game. I was a little confused about this assignment and looked to your blog for help (thank you). You were so organized with the way you presented the lesson plan and the informal/formal assessments. Even though we are in two completely different content areas, I looked to what you had done for my own doing. I read through the assessments you thought of and then tried to think about how I could apply something similar in my art class. Collaboration is something I feel strongly about and do a lot of in my own learning. It is so beneficial to both of us and the students if more teachers could collaborate. Although we did not do a lesson plan together, and they were very different lesson plans. I thought about how you were using the assessment methods with your content to form my own assessments in another area of content.
